Bad Bite? 3 Treatment Options for Proper Bite Alignment to Prevent TMJ/TMD

You should have proper bite alignment.

A misaligned bite can lead to various oral health issues, including temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders (referring to just the jaw joint itself) and temporomandibular disorders (TMD). TMJ disorders affect a significant portion of the population, with approximately 12% of people in the US experiencing them at any given time. Interestingly, women are more often affected, with a ratio of nine women to every one man experiencing severe pain and restricted jaw movement. Understanding the importance of proper bite alignment and exploring treatment options is crucial for preventing and managing TMJ/TMD.

What is proper bite alignment?

Proper bite alignment refers to how your upper and lower jaw come together when you close your mouth. Your upper teeth need to overlap your lower teeth slightly, and the points of your molars should fit snugly into the grooves of the molars in the opposing arch. When your jaw lines up in this manner, it indicates a healthy bite.

TMJ disorders, often referred to as TMDs (temporomandibular disorders), encompass a range of conditions affecting the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. While TMJ refers explicitly to the joint itself, the terms TMJ and TMD are frequently used interchangeably. Understanding this distinction is crucial as we discuss the impact of bite misalignment on TMJ/TMD.

A misaligned bite can contribute to TMJ/TMD. When your bite is not aligned correctly, it places excessive stress on the temporomandibular joints responsible for jaw movement. These joints, located close to your ears, may be unable to function optimally, leading to various symptoms. A comprehensive dental evaluation is typically performed to diagnose bite misalignment, including digital X-rays, bite analysis, and jaw movement tests.

Symptoms of TMJ/TMD resulting from a misaligned bite can include:

  • Pain or extreme discomfort in your jaw or around your ears
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Challenges opening and closing your mouth
  • A clicking or popping sound when moving your jaw

Typical causes and risk factors of TMJ/TMD. 

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) combines both hinge-like and sliding motions. This complex joint consists of bones covered with cartilage, which interact with each other and are separated by a small shock-absorbing disk, ensuring smooth movement. Painful TMJ disorders can occur if:

  • The disk deteriorates or shifts from its correct position
  • Arthritis causes damage to the cartilage in the joint
  • The joint sustains an injury from a blow or other forceful impact

Factors that can elevate the likelihood of developing TMJ disorders encompass:

  • Different forms of arthritis, like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
  • Injuries to the jaw
  • Persistent and habitual teeth grinding or clenching (bruxism)
  • Specific connective tissue disorders that can impact the temporomandibular joint

Older adults are more likely to seek out TMJ/TMD treatment. 

Age-related changes in the temporomandibular joint can contribute to an increased prevalence of TMJ/TMD symptoms among older individuals. The wear and tear over time, along with degenerative changes in the joint’s cartilage, can lead to discomfort and dysfunction.

Furthermore, older adults often have a higher likelihood of experiencing other dental and medical conditions that can exacerbate TMJ/TMD symptoms. Conditions such as arthritis, which are more prevalent in older populations, can affect the temporomandibular joint and contribute to the development of TMJ disorders. Additionally, age-related factors, such as stress, tooth loss, and changes in oral anatomy can further contribute to TMJ/TMD symptoms.

Seeking appropriate treatment from dental professionals who specialize in TMJ disorders can help alleviate pain, restore function, and improve the overall quality of life for older adults affected by TMJ/TMD.

Treatment options to correct bite alignment 

When it comes to correcting bite alignment issues, several treatment options are available to address the underlying causes and alleviate TMJ/TMD symptoms


Orthodontic treatment, such as braces or clear aligners, can effectively correct bite alignment issues by gradually shifting the position of the teeth and jaws, resulting in improved overall bite functionality and alignment. The treatment aims to address misalignments, overcrowding, and irregularities in tooth positioning, helping to alleviate TMJ/TMD symptoms and promoting proper jaw movement. 

Cosmetic Dentistry and Dental Restorations 

Cosmetic options can be suitable for individuals with mild misalignment symptoms and less severe cases. Although cosmetic treatments do not address the underlying jaw alignment problem, they can significantly enhance the appearance of your teeth and boost your confidence in your smile. These cosmetic fixes are particularly appealing when the alignment issues are minor, or the primary concern is the aesthetic impact caused by the misalignment.

Jaw Surgery 

Your dentist may suggest orthognathic surgery as a potential treatment option for severe cases. This surgical procedure involves repositioning or adjusting the upper or lower jaw and is often complemented by orthodontic correction, such as braces, to achieve optimal results.

If you have concerns about the recovery process, it is worth noting that the downtime associated with orthognathic surgery is generally brief. Typically, you may spend one night in the hospital, followed by a week off from work or school. While most cases do not require the mouth to be wired shut, there may be instances where this is recommended for severe cases.

Maintaining proper bite alignment and preventing the recurrence of TMJ/TMD symptoms. 

To maintain proper bite alignment and prevent the recurrence of TMJ/TMD symptoms, follow these best practices as suggested by Penn Medicine.

  • Practice stress management techniques to reduce jaw tension.
  • Avoid chewing gum and sticky, hard-to-chew foods.
  • Apply heat or cold packs to alleviate jaw pain.
  • Practice gentle jaw stretching and relaxation exercises.
  • Maintain good posture to minimize strain on the jaw.
  • Avoid clenching or grinding your teeth.
  • Use over-the-counter pain relievers or prescribed medications as recommended.
  • Consider dental interventions, such as wearing a nightguard or splint, to protect the teeth and jaw joint.

Incorporating these practices into your daily routine can help manage TMJ/TMD symptoms, promote bite alignment, and improve overall jaw health. Consulting with a dental professional is recommended to develop a personalized treatment plan based on your specific needs.

Prioritize your jaw health and seek professional care if you are experiencing pain.

The jaw, the most complex joint system in your entire body, is vital to your oral health and overall well-being. Its intricate structure and functioning are crucial for proper bite alignment and preventing TMJ/TMD issues. Understanding the complexities of the jaw can help individuals take proactive measures to maintain their health and seek appropriate treatment when necessary.

As you navigate the intricacies of your jaw’s functionality and the potential challenges of TMJ/TMD, it is essential to prioritize your jaw health. If you are experiencing jaw pain, restricted movement, or other concerning symptoms, don’t hesitate to request an appointment with the experienced dental professionals at Laurel Manor Dental. Our team can provide comprehensive evaluations, personalized treatment plans, and practical solutions to alleviate discomfort and restore optimal jaw function. Take the first step towards a healthier jaw by contacting us today.