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Sleep apnea facts

1 in 4 Men Have Sleep Apnea, and It Can Affect Your Heart

Quality sleep is important for your health and your head space. What is sleep apnea? Sleep apnea is a serious condition. It occurs when the airway becomes constricted during sleep, causing the sleeper to jolt awake suddenly. This condition is very common, affecting 1 in 4 men and 1 in 10 women.  You could be…
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Don't ignore TMJ disorder

How TMJ Disorder Left Untreated May Become Acute or Chronic

If you’ve noticed a pain in your jaw or the side of your face, or if you have been experiencing frequent headaches, you could be dealing with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder.  This pain arises from the joint that allows your jaw to open and close, along with the surrounding muscles. Many cases of TMJ disorder…
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Bruxism and sleep apnea connection

Sleep Apnea and Nighttime Bruxism: What’s the Connection?

Can’t sleep at night? Bruxism and sleep apnea may be your hidden enemies. Do you feel as though you went through your life tired, exhausted, mildly sleep deprived, and relied on caffeine to get you through your full work schedule… only to find that during retirement, you’re tired and no longer have the energy for…
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Get better sleep with stress management

How to Manage Stress and Get Better Sleep in 5 Easy Steps

Improving Your Health and Sleep with Stress Management Although it may sound strange at first, stress has its benefits in small doses. It’s designed to help us react, survive, and learn from events that cause stress, so it can improve our performance, alertness, and memory.  Despite this, large or extended amounts of stress are more…
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Oral cancer symptoms

What Are the Most Common Symptoms of Oral Cancer?

Living a longer, happier life As we get older, we make more conscious efforts about getting screened for illnesses like cancer. Oral cancer—which is an umbrella term for any type of cancer that impacts structures inside your mouth like your lips, cheeks, palate, or tongue—is no different.  Educating yourself on the symptoms of oral cancer…
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Dental home away from home

8 Reasons You Need a Dental Home Away From Home

When you think of the word home, we hope it gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling. Home is where we feel comfortable, where we can share our thoughts and feelings, hopes and fears, and more. But home can mean so much more. And at Laurel Manor, we want to be your dental home away…
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