Dental Care for People With Limited Mobility: Tips for Making it Easier

Dental care with limited mobility.

Aging can bring a variety of challenges in day-to-day life. Limited mobility can be among the most impactful, affecting nearly everything you do. It can also make it more difficult to get the care you need in terms of both general and oral health.

Missing out on important dental care only leads to further health issues. Tooth loss can affect your ability to eat, limiting your nutrition. The impact on your confidence and self-image is also a serious concern. However, there are steps you can take to make maintaining proper dental care in The Villages, Florida, easier, even with limited mobility and old age.

Steps you can take to make your routine easier.

Your daily routine is one of the most important parts of maintaining your oral health. Many people struggle to maintain a consistent routine, even without limited mobility. With limited mobility, you could fall behind in your routine, which can be a major mistake for your health.

Brushing twice each day is the foundation for good oral hygiene. You can make your routine easier by always brushing your teeth at the same time. Making it the last thing you do at night is a straightforward way to do this. Choose a specific time for the early brushing session as well.

You should also watch your diet closely. Sugary foods and drinks can lead to tooth decay quickly, especially acidic drinks, such as soda. As you adjust to reduced mobility, monitoring your diet and discussing it with your doctor becomes increasingly important. Don’t forget to keep up with routine dental appointments for their advice as well.

Make sure you have the right tools.

Depending on your specific needs, you can find access to a wide range of products that can make dental care easier. If you have limited hand strength or dexterity, toothbrushes with larger handles can make brushing your teeth easier.

An electric toothbrush can also help you keep your teeth clean. Keep in mind that you still need to move the brush around to reach every tooth surface. Tools, like water flossers or interdental brushes can make flossing easier, letting you reach nooks and crannies without having to handle floss directly.

Mouthwash can be an effective part of your oral hygiene routine, but protective caps meant to keep children out can also be challenging for people with limited mobility. A mouthwash dispenser can help you avoid that, ensuring that you can quickly dispense the appropriate amount of mouthwash without the need for opening or pouring.

Embrace Accommodations

There are some simple accommodations you can put in place to make your routine easier. You might consider using a pillow or wedge to support your elbow or arm while brushing. There’s also no reason why you need to stand during your routine. You can bring a stool or chair into the bathroom, if needed.

It can also be difficult to see what you’re doing when brushing and flossing depending on your eyesight, neck mobility, and other factors. A portable mirror on a stand can let you easily adjust to see your teeth from an appropriate angle.

Depending on your situation, asking a caregiver or family member for assistance may be appropriate. Asking for help can be one of the most significant challenges of living with limited mobility. However, doing so can help you maintain your oral health in the future.

Schedule Regular Dental Checkups

Your oral hygiene routine at home is just one part of taking care of your smile. Visiting your dentist for essential dental care is just as important. In most cases, you should have a routine appointment every six months unless you need more frequent visits for a specific dental issue.

During your appointment, your dentist will carefully assess your oral health. They’ll check your teeth, gums, and jaw for any signs of dental issues. When problems are identified early, your dentist can often provide effective advice to resolve the issue or carry out minimal treatment.

To make things easier, look for a dentist who can accommodate patients with mobility issues. The design of their office and the equipment they use should provide a comfortable experience for all patients. You can work together with your dentist to find the accommodations you need to keep up with routine dental care.

Your Source for Dental Care in The Villages

Taking care of your oral health is essential, and you don’t want to fall behind on your dental hygiene, due to mobility issues or age. You can put your trust in Laurel Manor Dental with your dental needs, along with any accommodations you need. You can schedule an appointment for dental care in The Villages, Florida, today.